
Seatthole has printed for everyone from high-profile corporations to small-town soccer teams and everyone in-between.

We print custom shirts for music festivals, stickers for Kickstarter projects, cool custom merch for bands, and any combination of custom shirts, stickers and buttons you can imagine for your project.

Bumbershoot – Seatle music festival.

Comics Place - Bellingham's favorite comic book shop.

Destroy, Inc. – Very cool t-shirt design company.

Hayseed Dixie – Their first album was bluegrass versions of AC/DC songs, their second was love songs, and the third is KISS songs. If you haven’t heard of these guys yet, you must not have ears. We made some shirts for ’em. – Humboldt County California’s comprehensive local music site. The next music Mecca of the universe!

Idiot Pilot – Bellingham band signed to reprise on the merit of their first release by ClickPop has ordered a couple of different designs from us.

Sama Clothing – awesome Chicago-based shirt designs with Japanese inspiration.

Sandra Bernhard – Sandra Bernhard has been challenging fans and critics with her knife-edged humor, satire and emotive performances on film, television and stage. She ordered shirts and buttons from us!

Secret Handshake Designs – Über-cool shirt designs for sale by our friends in Chicago.

What’s Up Magazine – Bellingham music magazine. Printed bumper stickers to give out at their annual awards show.